Creating a World Powered by Light

the thrive tribe : changing the game

Ordinary lives, becoming EXTRAordinary...

Welcome to The Thrive Tribe. We are here to do our part in creating a THRIVING future for humanity, and all life on planet Earth. Changing The Game. While at the same time raising our own game...moving from the ordinary, everyday existance that most people settle for, to playing at the EXTRAordinary level that a life of purpose and passion brings. Are you ready to THRIVE? Ready to Change The Game? To help Create a World Powered by Light? 

Hey, Lee's it going? Take a look at the video below, where I share the vision and mission of The Thrive Tribe...

Have you ever wanted to play a bigger game?

To live a life of purpose? To know that when you get to the end of your days you can look back and say...

"Yeah, I played full out, I gave it my all. I made a difference by being alive. I helped to take humanity on a better, more sustainable path. I gave more than I took. I helped change the game."

the thrive tribe : about

challenge yourself : change the world

Creating A World Powered By Light

The era of dirty energy is over, the world is transitioning to cleaner, sustainable, renewable energy. The only question is, will we make the leap fast enough? 

This is where we come in.

We are here to disrupt & decentralize the worlds biggest industry, the six trillion dollar energy industry...putting the power, quite literally, in the hands of the people!

Listen to Powur Founder & CEO, Jonathan Budd, explain the vision in the video below...

The culture being created at Powur is something special, attracting a special kind of person...

Ready to Play? To take massive action to take our lives and our world to the next level? To Thrive. Moving from the ordinary to the leave a gamechanging legacy for the generations that will follow? 

The Pachamama Alliance

Powur is partnered with a non-profit called The Pachamama Alliance. Find out more about the incredible work of this alliance between indigenous tribes from the Amazon, and the modern world...

Journey to the Amazon with us (the thrive tribe)

There's more to the Powur/ Pachamama the vision for Powur was born while Jonathan was on a 'Pachamama Journey' to the Amazon. Find out more about this life changing program, that we (The Thrive Tribe) will be going on in 2018. 

Care to join us?

Breaking Free of the 'Rat Race'

There really is more to life than the 9 to 5. When we get to the end of our days, will we remember the hours that we worked, or will we remember the experiences that we had and the difference that we made?

We are always striving for something else, because we are conditioned to think that that is what we need to do, to be 'successful' and live a fulfilling life.

Instead of living fully now...

Is the path that we are going down the best one for ourselves, our future, and that of our children's children? 

Or have we been fed a lie? Are we truly fulfilled, or are we just pawns in the game...

It truly is time for a new story on planet Earth. Shall we help create it? The Thrive Tribe is about stepping up and being a part of that new story...of Changing The Game. 

Thriving Adventure Challenges

Ever wanted to do something truly epic? To challenge yourself, while connecting on a deep level with the natural world? With Pachamama?

In 2013, when a buddy and I took a week to ride our bikes coast to coast across Britain on the Trans Pennine Trail, the seed was planted to take it to the next level, with a series of 'Thriving Adventure' Challenges....  

...we'll be hiking the John Muir Trail through California's High Sierra, traversing England via Alfred Wainright’s Coast to Coast Walk, mountain biking across Wales via Lon Las Cymru, and Kayaking the breadth of Scotland via The Great Glen Canoe Trail... just for starters!

Future challenges will involve such 'Thriving Adventures' as walking England’s South West Coast Path and The Pennine Way, section hiking (initially) the Appalachian Trail (AT) & Pacific Crest Trail (PCT). How about rafting the Zambezi River, biking the Baja Peninsula, trekking Torres Del Paine National Park in Patagonia, or doing some seriously epic shit like crossing the Sahara! 

Up for it? No regrets, right? 

This goes beyond the adventure and the challenge of it all. It is about reconnecting with Mother Nature, going back to our wild roots that we, in the modern world, have lost. It's about re-wilding ourselves. Ready?

Thriving Adventure Missions

Interspersed between the Challenges, we'll throw in some Missions, for good measure! The first of which being to West Africa to build an Orphanage in Nkoranza, Central Ghana. The reason for this is because I made a promise to my buddy Francis, a few years back, that we would make this happen. 

I'm one of the trustees for the charity that Francis founded, to take orphaned children in off the streets. Francis is currently in London, sending money home to help his family continue to take care of the kids, out of a rented building in Nkoranza. 

We already have a peice of land on which to build, so this will be about raising the money to fund it, and taking a crew out there to pitch in to make it become a reality. Take a look at the video I shot in London a couple years back, where Francis explains how the Love Kids Orphanage Foundation came about...

This will not only be about changing the lives of the children that Francis' family care for, as I have no doubt that it will also have a life-changing impact on those of us that go out there on this mission. This will be the first, there will be many more that The Thrive Tribe will be involved with in the coming years. 

Want to truly make a difference in this world, changing lives? Lock arms with us in The Thrive Tribe.

A Life of Purpose

This is about not dying with our song still inside of us. About playing full out. Making a difference. Knowing that when we get to the end of our days, we can rest easy that we left no stone unturned, we left it all out there on the playing field of life! No regrets!

You ready? 

There can be nothing more fulfilling than living a life of purpose and passion. In the video below, Powur Co-founder & CEO Jonathan Budd discusses how being purpose driven links to achieving 'success' in life...

What can be more purposeful than being a part of creating the 'New Story' in our inter-connected world? Of BEing in service to something greater than ourselves & stepping into the flow of syncronicity, creating that 'more beautiful world our heart knows is possible.' as Charles Eisenstein discusses below...

Ready to bow more deeply into service? To be part of creating the new story of interconnectedness, of inter-BEing...that more beautiful world? 

Our Earthly home... some pause for thought...

Ready to Change the Game?

To help accelerate the adoption of solar energy worldwide.

Click the button below to watch Disrupt & Decentralize by Powur PBC, then enter your details to learn more...

Renewable Revolutionary© 2016